Betterment Enterprise Inc

Grand Rapids, Michigan, 49503, United States

Betterment Enterprise Inc


Warmth Unveiled: Bridging Gaps, Igniting Hope in Grand Rapids
In the vibrant heart of Grand Rapids, Betterment Enterprise Incorporated, will partner with TrendWave, and Eden Cafe
to converge with a shared vision: fostering a transformative ecosystem of creativity, collaboration, and innovation. Our commitment extends beyond the confines of our spaces; it permeates the very fabric of our community. In our pursuit of self-actualization, financial freedom, and a brighter future for all, we recognize our responsibility to uplift the vulnerable. With pride, we introduce our joint initiative, designed to dismantle the stigma surrounding homelessness, provide essential winter gear, and catalyze meaningful change.
The Homeless Initiative: Bridging the Gap, Breaking Stigmas:
Amidst the unforgiving chill of West Michigan’s winter, warmth transcends luxury—it becomes a fundamental necessity. Our initiative is laser-focused on delivering indispensable winter essentials—coats, hats, and gloves—to Grand Rapids’ homeless community. Branded as “TrendWave,” our winter gear not only shields against the elements but also defies societal stereotypes. It empowers homeless individuals to don premium winter wear, embracing dignity amidst adversity.
Funding the Initiative: A Tapestry of Community, Compassion, and Collaboration:
To fuel this initiative, we employ a diverse, community-driven approach, uniting the threads of community, compassion, and collaboration:
Donation Initiative:
● With a $25 donation, you provide a homeless individual with essential winter gear, including a coat, hat, and gloves. In return, enjoy 25% off your drinks at Eden Cafe for 25 days in December. It’s a gesture of warmth and a sip of savings, uniting the community in the spirit of giving.
Product Sales:
● Within our establishments, premium winter gear will be available for purchase, ensuring accessibility while inviting the community to actively participate in our cause.
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Corporate Sponsorship:
● Partnering with businesses, we seek sponsorship, amplifying our reach and garnering support from entities sharing our vision of a compassionate community.
Partnership with Eden Cafe:
● Collaborating with Eden Cafe, we introduce a “Buy One, Give One” punch card, allowing patrons to contribute with every purchase. As a token of gratitude, patrons receive complimentary drinks from our seasonal menu. Additionally, Eden Cafe offers a special drink, ‘Hug in a Mug,’ donating all profits to the initiative.
Direct Donations:
● Welcoming direct contributions from individuals and organizations, fostering a collective sense of responsibility towards our community’s well-being.
Community Engagement: Beyond Warmth – Spreading Hope and Cheer:
● Our initiative transcends mere provision; it embodies warmth in its truest sense. Together, we organize a special day, distributing not only winter gear but also serving warm beverages—coffee, hot chocolate—to the homeless. This gesture, a reminder of our community’s care, breaks barriers, fostering a profound sense of belonging.
Our Goal: Donations by November, Warmth in December:
With our hearts brimming with compassion, we embark on a mission to make a meaningful impact before winter’s chill sets in. To provide essential winter gear, including 100 coats, gloves, and hats to those in need in December, we are reaching out to our community for support. Our goal is clear: gather $2500 in donations by the end of November, enabling us to warm the lives of 100 individuals during the coldest months. Your generosity can light up a hundred smiles, wrap a hundred souls in warmth, and bridge the gap between despair and hope. Let’s join hands to create a Grand Rapids where no one shivers in the cold, where every individual is cherished, and where the spirit of giving flourishes. Together, we can turn winter from a season of hardship to a season of kindness. Donate today and help us make a difference.
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In this unified effort, Eden Cafe and Betterment Enterprise Incorporated transcend the roles of mere businesses; we emerge as agents of change. Through unity, compassion, and innovation, we aspire to craft a Grand Rapids where no one shivers in the cold, where dignity is upheld, and where every individual is empowered to forge a brighter future. We invite you to join us in our mission to bridge the gap, dismantle stigmas, and effect enduring change. Together, we possess the power to transform lives and leave an indelible mark on our community.
Financial Overview:
● Total Count: 105
● Total Cost: $1,795.34
● Total Count: 105
● Total Cost: $307.78
● Total Count: 105
● Total Cost: $344.97
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Building Capital Methods:
In the heart of our community, Eden Cafe invites you to be part of a transformative movement. A $25 donation provides winter essentials to the homeless, and as a thank you, enjoy 25% off your drinks at Eden Cafe for 25 days in December. Our initiatives, from ‘Hug In The Mug’ to ‘Coffee Deal – 50% Off For a Year,’ are not just transactions; they’re opportunities to make a difference. Your contribution fuels warmth and hope. Round up your sales, engage local businesses, and join us in weaving a tapestry of compassion. Together, we build a Grand Rapids where kindness knows no bounds.
● Hug In The Mug:
Description: A heartwarming blend of oat milk, Maple Spice Syrup, and Monin Syrup
● Max Cost: $1.39
● Profit: $6.61
● Initiative Donation: $6.11
● Buy A Coat Give a Coat:
Description: Sell one coat at $16.80 and donate another
● Max Cost: $16.80
● Initiative Donation: $58.20
● Punch Card:
Description: Offer a punch card at $80.00, including various drinks and a coat
● Max Cost: $10.26
● Initiative Donation: $53.05
● Hats:
Description: Sell stylish hats at $15.00 each
● Max Cost: $2.93
● Initiative Donation: $12.27
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● Coffee Deal – 50% Off For a Year:
Description: Offer a membership at $750.00 for 50% off coffee for a year
● Initiative Donation: $750.00
● Donate $25, Warm a Heart, and Sip with Savings:
Description: A $25 donation provides winter essentials to the homeless and offers
25% off drinks at Eden Cafe for 25 days in December
● Max Cost: $17.10
● Initiative Donation: $25.00
Unit Breakdown:
In our collective effort to achieve our financial goal of $2,800.00, each initiative plays a vital role in reaching this target. Here’s a breakdown of the number of units needed for each initiative to accomplish our mission:
Hug In The Mug:
● Individual Unit Goal: 459 units
● Total Realistic Unit Plan: 60 units
Buy A Coat Give a Coat:
● Individual Unit Goal: 49 Units
● Total Realistic Unit Plan: 4 Units
Donate $25, Warm a Heart, and Sip with Savings:
● Individual Unit Goal: 112 Units
● Total Realistic Unit Plan: 50 Units
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Punch Card:
● Individual Unit Goal: 53 Units
● Total Realistic Unit Plan: 4 Units
● Individual Unit Goal: 293 Units
● Total Realistic Unit Plan: 15 Units
Coffee Deal – 50% Off For a Year:
● Individual Unit Goal: 4 Units
● Total Realistic Unit Plan: 1 Unit
Other Donations:
● Individual Unit Goal: $2,800.00
● Total Realistic Unit Plan: $150
● Individual Unit Goal: $2,800.00
● Total Realistic Unit Plan: $0
Realistic Unit Plan
Following the Total Realistic Unit Plan meticulously crafted for each initiative, our collective efforts are poised to raise approximately $3,104.80. This carefully calculated plan ensures that every contribution, no matter how small, adds up to create a substantial impact. By aligning our actions with this plan, we are not just meeting our financial goals; we are surpassing them, enabling us to extend our support further and bring more warmth and hope to those in need. Together, our community’s dedication and generosity will drive us beyond our objectives, making a real and lasting difference in the lives of others.
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In the heart of Grand Rapids, our shared vision at Betterment Enterprise Incorporated, Trendwave, and Eden Cafe has manifested into a transformative initiative that transcends the ordinary. With every stitch of compassion, every cup of warmth, and every act of generosity, we are breaking barriers, shattering stereotypes, and building a community where every individual is valued and protected. Our Homeless Initiative, “Coats for Community: Betterment in Grand Rapids,” is not just about winter gear; it’s about dignity, compassion, and unity. As we embark on this journey, we invite you to join us. Your support, whether through donations, patronage, or partnerships, is not merely a transaction; it’s a lifeline for someone in need. Together, let’s create a Grand Rapids where no one shivers in the cold, where compassion knows no bounds, and where the spirit of giving becomes a guiding light. Act now, and be a part of this powerful force for change. Together, we can truly make a difference.
Warmth Unveiled: For the Betterment of Grand Rapids


Instagram: Eden_Cafe_Gr