The Wellspring Alliance
The Wellspring Alliance
400 Hart Street
318) 651-9314
On Friday, November 17, 2023 The Wellspring Alliance and Louisiana Housing Corporation will hold an event for our homeless clients. They can come and receive haircuts, snack bags and lunch all free of charge. We will also have our local EMT service providers onsite for blood pressure checks as well as other minor medical check ups, Medicaid will be on site, the VA and the wireless company that provides free phones to those who qualify.
Currently we are in need of snack type foods for snack bags: peanut butter crackers, pop-top cans, fruit cups, granola bars, individual peanut butter packs and spoons. We are also very low on baby wipes, diapers of all sizes, baby blankets and infant clothing 0-24 months. We are also in need of winter coats, hats and gloves.