HomeAid Atlanta

HomeAid Atlanta, HomeAid Atlanta
1 Dunwoody Park South
Thanks for Giving Baskets
On November 18, home building industry nonprofit HomeAid Atlanta will partner with the Greater Atlanta Home Builders Association’s Young Professionals Group to pack Thanksgiving baskets for families experiencing homelessness. A fundraising drive will be held prior to November 18 to raise funds to fill the baskets, which will contain Thanksgiving food items to feed a family. The baskets will be donated to HomeStretch, a nonprofit that guides working homeless families toward permanent housing and lasting stability. There will also be a second recipient of the baskets, TBD. Here is information about our 2020 Thanks for Giving campaign: https://www.homeaidatlanta.org/images/news/HomeAid%20&%20YPG%20Thanks%20for%20Giving%20Drive.pdf
Email: cecily@homeaidatlanta.org
Twitter: @homeaidatlanta
Instagram: @homeaidatl