Hudson Helps Resource Center
November 3, 2023
|By michael
70 Sip Avenue, Jersey City, New Jersey, 07306, United States
Hudson Helps Resource Center, Hudson County Community College
70 Sip Avenue
3rd Floor
3rd Floor
Monday 11/13: HCCC will host a service project at the Campus Kitchen in St. Peter’s University. Those who volunteer will receive a sweater.
Tuesday 11/14: Trivia quiz with facts to better educate our students in the student center multipurpose room. 1st through 3rd prize: swag bag (blanket, hoodie, t-shirt, beanie) Beanies + stress balls for all participants.
Wednesday 11/15: Food drive + guest speaker to be held in our culinary building.
1-5 items = stress ball
>5 items = blanket
>10 items = blanket, stress ball, + shirt OR beanie
Friday 11/17: Movie screening + discussion
“Us & Them”
T-shirts for participants