Hudson Helps Resource Center

70 Sip Avenue, Jersey City, New Jersey, 07306, United States

Hudson Helps Resource Center, Hudson County Community College
70 Sip Avenue
3rd Floor

3rd Floor

Monday 11/13: HCCC will host a service project at the Campus Kitchen in St. Peter’s University. Those who volunteer will receive a sweater.

Tuesday 11/14: Trivia quiz with facts to better educate our students in the student center multipurpose room. 1st through 3rd prize: swag bag (blanket, hoodie, t-shirt, beanie) Beanies + stress balls for all participants.

Wednesday 11/15: Food drive + guest speaker to be held in our culinary building.
1-5 items = stress ball
>5 items = blanket
>10 items = blanket, stress ball, + shirt OR beanie

Friday 11/17: Movie screening + discussion
“Us & Them”
T-shirts for participants
