Rocky Mountain College

Rocky Mountain College, Community Engagement & Spiritual Life
1511 Poly Drive
Rocky Mountain College’s Office of Community Engagement and Office of Spiritual Life will be hosting a Hunger and Homelessness Awareness Week which will be held on November 18th until November 23rd. We believe that the topic of Hunger and Homelessness is of great importance considering the high rates of poverty in Billings despite the effects being largely invisible to the public eye. We anticipate that this week will educate and inform the Rocky Mountain College community about the struggles and effects of living within poverty while also encouraging them to make a difference in their communities through community service. Overall, the Rocky Mountain College community will benefit by becoming more conscious of the struggles experienced in the Billings community and learning about and participating in opportunities to make lasting change.
Schedule of Events:
The Pursuit of Happyness, Pajama Party, Fraley Lounge @ 7pm
– Food & drinks
– Prizes
Serving Lunch at the HUB (Serves individuals experiencing or at risk of experiencing homelessness), Off Campus, @ 11:45am
Coffee and Conversation (Mental Health & Homelessness), Fraley Lounge, @ 6pm
Your Pie Fundraiser for Tumbleweed (youth homelessness), 5pm – 9pm
World Kindness Day, PB&J Time, Fraley Lounge
11am – 5pm (or when finished)
Goal: Make 1,500 sandwiches
Lunch and Learn, Chapel, 1pm
Friendship House and The Montana Rescue Mission
Service Saturday, Meet in Fraley Lounge, 9am, RSVP
Serving several agencies in the Billings community that address hunger and homelessness.