Washington Public Interest Research Group

Washington Public Interest Research Group, University of Washington
12530 26th Ave NE #B
(253) 219-1155
We are planning to have 3 events on November 18th, 20th and 22nd.
On November 18th, we are planning to host an informational table on campus from 10am-2pm as well as hold a letters to the editor session in the evening to send to various news organizations in Seattle.
On November 20th, we are planning to host an educational panel, hearing from various folks from different organizations as well as some students who have experienced hunger themselves in the past.
On November 22nd, we are hoping to host a movie night, watching “Pursuit of Happyness” to raise funds for a nearby local organization (have yet to confirm) working to combat hunger and houselessness.
Email: samjwc@uw.edu
Twitter: uwashpirg