Judges Row Block Club
Judges Row Block Club
108 Huntley Road
On November 19, 2020, the Judges Row Block Club met and decided upon donation $100 from our treasury to The Little Portion Friary, 1305 Main Street, Buffalo, NY. The agency is an all-volunteer organization est. 1982, providing shelter to men and women aged 18 or older, so that guest can regain control of their lives. Judges Row felt during such challenging times we would make a donation during Homelessness Week and Challenge other Block Clubs to same. A Press Release will done to challenge other Block Clubs.
Email: sfagan@nycourts.gov
EPIC Personnel Partners LLC
EPIC Personnel Partners LLC
625 Beville Road
Used clothing drive between 11/23-12/13
Email: veronicae@epicpp.com
Ebenezer Community and Cultural Center
Ebenezer Community and Cultural Center
5151 W. Chicago Blvd
(313) 635-3355
Hosting a Forum to share issues of Hunger and Homelessness to increase awareness of the issues, to promote compassion and advocacy for basic Human Rights for all.
Email: ewalker@ebenezerccc.org
So Others Might Eat (SOME)
So Others Might Eat (SOME)
71 O St NW
Free Breakfast and Lunch Daily - hot to-go breakfasts and bagged lunches daily at 71 O St. NW from 7:30am to 9:30am
Grocery Pickup - aourand@some.org or call 202-695-7816 to set up an appointment
Twitter: @some_dc
Instagram: @some_dc
GCC Rotaract Club
GCC Rotaract Club, Glendale Community College
745 Columbia Ave
Glendale Rotaract club of Glendale Community College presents: "Amplifying Voices of The Unhoused". Guest speakers for the event will be: Theodore Henderson of "We The Unhoused" podcast and Rachel Ridgway, professor of Oceanography at GCC. They will share personal experiences and discuss the intersectionalities of what the unhoused faced, with it's main focus on climate change.
This event is sponsored by the Associated Students of Glendale Community College.
Access the zoom link here:
Meeting ID: 990 439 7203
Email: glendalerotaract@gmail.com
Instagram: gcc_rotaract
Shelter of Hope
Shelter of Hope
2944 Winchester Avenue
Due to the limits on group activities with the Coronavirus Pandemic, Shelter of Hope is conducting an online awareness campaign with a series of posts about Hunger & Homelessness Awareness Week and including information about the campaign in our Fall newsletter.
Email: communityrelations@shelterofhope.org
Twitter: shelterofhopeky
Instagram: shelterofhopeky
Hoke County Schools
Hoke County Schools
310 Wooley St
"Walking Laps", Collecting Non-perishable items and Facts about Homelessness Game
Email: powens@hcs.k12.nc.us
Jacksonville Jewish Center
Jacksonville Jewish Center, Jewish Teen Leadership Initiative (Hebrew High School Program)
3662 Crown Point Rd
Hunger Banquet, Sunday, November 22
Email: srosenblum@jaxjewishcenter.org
Central Iowa Shelter and Services-Rolling Hills Coalition
Central Iowa Shelter and Services-Rolling Hills Coalition
1420 Mulberry Ave
Outreach to local community partners in a 15 area region about the effects of hunger and homelessness in their area. Sending information about resources for food and housing security to those who can directly make impact. Additionally, we are connecting with community colleges about opportunities to get involved in a volunteer capacity. Due to Covid-19 restrictions, all is being done virtually.
Email: hgarside@centraliowashelter.org
Baltimore City Lived Experience Advisory Committee (LEAC)
Baltimore City Lived Experience Advisory Committee (LEAC)
Join members of Baltimore City LEAC for a week of virtual learning. The committee will share facts and stories related to homelessness in Baltimore City and in the U.S
Email: eliane@journeyhomebaltimore.org