Eureka Ensemble

Eureka Ensemble
3 Gerry's Landing Rd.


Social Media campaign highlighting the work of our Women's Chorus, a music program for women experiencing homelessness and poverty, and our core partner in Boston, The Women's Lunch Place, a day shelter community providing nutritious food and individualized services for women who are experiencing homelessness or poverty.

During non-covid times, the chorus is highly active. Since its launch in fall 2018, it has served over 100 self-identifying women ages 17-82.

Twitter: @eurekaensemble
Instagram: @eurekaensemble

Seeds of Change Resource Foundation

Seeds of Change Resource Foundation
P O BX 714


A Pot Luck for the homeless in the community. Also, filling a trailer with supplies for them. Various leaders from the community to speak.


Bobcats Helping Bobcats

Bobcats Helping Bobcats, Ohio University

Because this semester is primarily online, we have planned a social media campaign to highlight the statistics around college food insecurity and our campus food pantry at Ohio University. We have partnered with the various governing bodies (Senates) on campus to share our information and graphics in an effort to gather donations for the campus food pantry. We have also created a video sharing quotes from students who have used our pantry, and we will be spreading this on social media as well.


Notiosha Ministries

Notiosha Ministries, UCCAN Workforce Development Program
7054 E Lakeview Ave


I am seeking donations for the homeless for this winter season. November the 18th is my birthday and I plan to use my special day to bring special attention to the homelessness situation in our community.

I will be spending the night in a tent. I will spend the entire day homeless. I invite all General community members to make signs that reflect the inhumanity of urban tenting and homelessness. Also, to bring attention to drug addiction.

As a follow through on this project the UCCAN Workforce Development Program will have a daily presence downtown outside to serve and assist the communities most vulnerable.

We need Generals in the spirit to come down with us and offer,hope,prayer,love,resources and friendships one soul at a time daily.

Acts 19:12 "The Ark Project"
Notiosha Ministries

Please bring scarfs 🧣& handkerchiefs!!!!

Near CASS 12th& Madison

Donations Could Include:
Hygiene Products
Packaged Snacks
Hand Sanitizer

If you would like to donate please call 480-634-0006 or email


Basic Needs at California State University, Stanislaus

Basic Needs at California State University, Stanislaus, California State University, Stanislaus
One University Circle
MSR 360

MSR 360

Food Distribution
Tuesday, Nov. 17, 2020 | 10:00 a.m. -12:00 p.m. | Curbside & Walkup at University Circle
Come get your free box of food for the month of Nov. at Food Distribution. Food Distribution is an event designed to provide relief to students facing food insecurity by providing a box of non-perishable food items. Food Distributions are held twice a month and made possible by the generous support from the California Faculty Association (CFA), Warrior Food Pantry and the United Samaritans Foundation.
Supporting Students’ Basic Needs in the California State University
Tuesday, Nov. 17, 2020 | 12:00 p.m. – 1:00 p.m. | Zoom
Hosted by the Office of the Chancellor, this webinar will consist of a moderated panel discussion to highlight the research that has informed the ways by which students’ basic needs are supported. The panelists will also highlight innovative programs and services across the 23 campuses aimed to support student success. Resources designed to support students’ basic needs will be shared, as well as recommendations for faculty and staff on supporting students in accessing critical supports. To increase awareness of campus-based activities, this kick-off event will feature an overview of virtual programs and events planned in the CSU throughout the week.
Warrior Eats: Teaching Kitchen
Wednesday, Nov. 18, 2020 | 10:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m. | YouTube
Join Warrior Eats as Chef prepares a dish using ingredients from the Food Box Distribution and Warrior Food Pantry.
Budgeting for the College Student
Wednesday, Nov. 18, 2020 | 11:00 .m. – 12:00 p.m. | Zoom
Join Wells Fargo and Financial Wellness to learn how to effectively manage your money to help reach your financial goals:
• Learn how to create a spending plan
• Get tools and tips for managing money
• Set and implement financial goals

Apply for CalFresh NOW!
Wednesday, Nov. 18, 2020 | 12:00 p.m. – 1:00 p.m. | YouTube LIVE
A Basic Needs Coordinator will walk thru the CalFresh application process as you apply from your own computer! If eligible, you may be able to receive up to $204 a month for groceries.
Campus Cares Panel Discussion
Wednesday, Nov. 18, 2020 | 1:00 p.m. – 2:00 p.m. | Zoom
Come meet the Basic Needs team and community partners that support the food and housing security resources that are available to you as a student. Learn about the various programs and find out how to access these services.
Pop Up Warrior Food Pantry - Stockton Campus
Thursday, Nov. 19, 2020 | 10:00 a.m. – 1:30 p.m. | Curbside & Walkup – Stockton Campus
The Warrior Food Pantry will be making an appearance at the Stockton Campus with our pop-up shop. Stockton students will receive a free tacos de nopales recipe card and ingredients to make the recipe at this popup.

Decolonizing Our Diets: LIVE Food Demo
Saturday, Nov. 21, 2020 | 11:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. | Zoom
The Warrior Cross Cultural Center will lead a virtual demonstration on Decolonizing Our Diets. Starting Nov. 18, you can pick up a recipe card and ingredients for tacos de nopales at the Warrior Food Pantry during regular hours from 9am to 4pm.


Instagram: stanstate_basicneeds

Metropolitan Interfaith Council on Affordable Housing (MICAH)

Metropolitan Interfaith Council on Affordable Housing (MICAH)
463 Maria


MICAH is co-sponsoring this Conference as we start Hunger and Homelessness Awareness Week!

2020 Overcoming Racism Conference:
Taking Back "We The People"
November 13-14 ONLINE
What does it mean to be “We the People” through an antiracist lens, in these times?
How do we address the rise of right wing populism worldwide?
In the USA, Brazil, the UK, Hungary and Turkey, right wing populism
and neo-fascism are taking hold.
In all cases, the divides are ethnic and cultural. In the USA,
the fault lines are explicitly racialized.
How do we take back, or claim for the first time in our history, the idea that
“all means all” when we talk about “We the People”?

Conference Keynote Presenters:
November 13th:
Eddie S. Glaude, Jr., Noted Scholar on African American Culture
James S. McDonnell Distinguished University Professor

November 14th:
Funny Asian Women’s Kollective (FAWK).
FAWK exists to combat the invisibility and dehumanization
of Asian Pacific Islander Desi American (APIDA) women.

As always, need-based partial scholarships are available
apply now using this form.
Also as always, indigenous/Native persons
register and participate without payment.


De Anza College

De Anza College
21250 Stevens Creek Blvd


We will be sharing community resources online and via email every day with our students. Additionally, we want to do a video contest.


CORT Furniture

CORT Furniture
2717 S. Lamar Blvd Suite 1087, INK Communications Co.


Instagram takeovers from our non-profit partners all week long, tagging #HHWeek in every post.


Twitter: cortfurniture
Instagram: cortfurniture

Organization of Student Social Workers

Organization of Student Social Workers, Missouri Western State University
4525 Downs Drive
Muprhy Hall 309Q

Muprhy Hall 309Q

We actually had our event last week. We have for the last 9 years held a Walk for the Homeless. Money raised goes towards ID's Birth Certificates, Driver License for our local homeless. This year due to Covid, we did a Drive for the Homeless. We also handed out blankets and hats made by the prisoners at our prison in our city.

Normally we run about 125-150 people attending but attendance was less this year--again due to Covid.


Community Partnership of Southeast Missouri

Community Partnership of Southeast Missouri
937 Broadway
Suite 306

Suite 306

We will hold a week long food drive for anyone who wants to bring by food or supplies to help our homeless population & reach out to our community via FB Live. Due to COVID-19 we will not hold in-person events.

Twitter: @cpsemo
Instagram: communitypartnershipsemo