Pottsgrove School District
Pottsgrove School District, Elementary Division (West Pottsgrove, Lower Pottsgrove and Ringing Rocks)
1301 Kauffman Road
We are planning (11/15-11/19)
Having a non-perishable food drive to benefit Operation 143 (with Prizes for the classroom that donates the most)
Mitten/Hat Drive
Sweatshirt Drive
Coat Distribution on 11/22
Red Sweatshirt Day on 11/16
Email: mmanzon@pgsd.org
Let Love Foundation
Let Love Foundation
We feed the homeless and hungry on Saturday in Harlem, NY.
Email: letlovefoundation@gmail.com
Instagram: letlovefoundation
First City Homeless Services
First City Homeless Services, First City Homeless Services
PO Box 23095
Rough Night Out Fundraiser, food drive
Email: bobbi@firstcityhomeless.org
Instagram: ktnFCHS
Circles Campaign of the Mid-Ohio Valley
Circles Campaign of the Mid-Ohio Valley
PO Box 1643
We will be holding a "Shine a Light" walk in observation of both National Hunger and Homeless Awareness Week and National Runaway Prevention Month. The walk will take place on Saturday November 19th at 6 pm at the Parkersburg City Park. The goal is to increase awareness of the issue and shine a light on the solutions.
Email: circlescampaignmov@gmail.com
University of California, Merced
University of California, Merced
5200 N. Lake Road
(209) 228-4201
All Week
Donation Drive
Student Testimonials
Monday, November 15th
11:00AM-2:00PM: Kickoff Tabling
Tuesday, November 16th
9:00-11:45AM: Inaugural Central Valley Higher Education Basic Needs Summit
3:00-4:00PM: "The Starfish Throwers" Panel & Discussion
Wednesday, November 17th
11:00AM-3:00 PM: Wellness Wednesday Tabling
Thursday, November 18th
6:00-7:00PM: Trivia Night
Friday, November 19th
9:00AM-1:00PM: USDA Food Distribution Volunteering
3:00-4:00PM: "Leftovers" Panel & Discussion
5:30-6:30PM: Kitastic Service Event & Documentary
Please see our website for detailed information on each event: https://cec.ucmerced.edu/hha-week.
Email: communityservice@ucmerced.edu
Instagram: @ucmercedcec
Louisville Metro Office of Resilience and Community Services
Louisville Metro Office of Resilience and Community Services
701 West Ormsby Ave.
Suite 201
Suite 201
We will be hosting a sock drive with Simmons College, a HBCU in Louisville. The socks will be donated to local shelters. We will also be partnering with Save the Children and UP Louisville to raise awareness through informational videos. Resilience and Community Services will also be encouraging people to wear orange and share social media posts. Our office wants the community to be engaged, all while remaining safe during the pandemic.
Email: julia.dake@louisvilleky.gov
Twitter: @loumetrorcs
Instagram: @loumetrorcs
Lindley Academy Charter School
Lindley Academy Charter School
900 Lindley Ave
Each class will be doing a lesson around the definition of a home, the teachers and staff will highlight supports that the school has for families who are McKinney Vento, wearing red on the 19th, providing all our students with red wrist bands and our McKinney Vento students will receive winter baskets.
Email: aburke@ap-schools.org
Instagram: @lindleyacademycharterschool
Unified Champions
Unified Champions, Lincoln Charter School
7834 Galway Ln
We will be doing a food, clothing, and personal item drive in the middle and high school.
Email: lisa.frazier@lincolncharter.org
The Education Trust
The Education Trust
Twitter chat with Share Our Strength, SchoolHouse Connection, and Swipe Out Hunger. The twitter handle is #HungerAndHomelessnessChat on 11/17 at 3pm ET?
Email: kcurry@edtrust.org
Twitter: #HungerAndHomelessnessChat
Shelter House
Shelter House
429 Southgate Ave
November 15 - Soup Luncheon & Sock Drive
November 16 - Film Screening of Sidewalk Stories
November 17 - Foodies Fighting Homelessness
For more details and a full schedule of events, visit https://shelterhouseiowa.org/nhhaw/
Email: tshailyn.harrington@shelterhouseiowa.org
Twitter: https://twitter.com/shelterhouseic
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/shelterhouseic/