Logos Publications, LLC
Logos Publications, LLC, Logos Publications, LLC
PO Box 271
Inspirational historical fiction author JP Robinson is running his annual Read2Feed program. Read any of his novels with a Kindle Unlimited subscription between 11/1-12/31/2021 and 40% of all royalties earned will go to supporting Pennsylvania food banks.
This is an easy, fun way to meet real needs at no additional cost. More information is available at www.JPRobinsonBooks.com. Read his books at https://amz.run/53Vw
Email: jprobinsonbooks@gmail.com
Twitter: @JPRobinsonBooks
Solucient, LLC
Solucient, LLC, Mojoheadz Records
Mojoheadz Records
Mojoheadz Records
+282480266248852 ext5
Mojoheadz Records
Store, Other
Email: oitghty@yandex.kz
Twitter: Mojoheadz Records
Instagram: Mojoheadz Records
Montana Campus Compact AmeriCorps
Montana Campus Compact AmeriCorps, Great Falls College MSU
2100 16th Avenue South
(406) 771-7302
The Great Falls College MSU Food Pantry will provide students the opportunity to register for a free Thanksgiving meal giveaway. Homelessness survival kits with hygiene products and simple snacks will be provided free to all with the encouragement to distribute the kits to individuals in the community who may need assistance. A free COVID-19 vaccination clinic will be provided to all members of the community. Service Engagement opportunities to deliver small prepared meals to home-bound community members will be offered to students.
Email: vista@gfcmsu.edu
Georgetown Law Black Law Student Association
Georgetown Law Black Law Student Association, Georgetown University Law Center
We are putting together and distributing 200 care packages yo unhoused neighbors around the Washington D.C area. Care packages will have socks, winter hats, reusable water bottles, body wash, lotion, shampoo, conditioner, hand sanitizer, masks, tooth paste, tooth brushes, and snacks.
Email: mam796@georgetown.edu
Center for Experiential Learning
Center for Experiential Learning, Warren Wilson College
PO Box 9000
You're invited to the Virtual 23rd Annual Empty Bowls Event!
A Benefit for the Appalachian Sustainable Agriculture Project (ASAP) Connections
Wednesday, November 17
6:00pm YouTube Livestream
LIVE raffle drawing via Zoom after the program
Join us for this Virtual Event!
We hope you'll enjoy a meal served in a bowl crafted by the WWC Ceramics Department from the comfort of your home, while you tune into our Virtual Empty Bowls Livestream program.
While you won't be able to stroll through the Upper Fellowship Hall to choose your ceramic bowl, or eat delicious soup from local restaurants with friends, we're excited to continue this annual tradition of supporting a partner dedicated to addressing food insecurity in our community.
This year, all proceeds from the purchase of bowls, raffle tickets, and donations will go to Appalachian Sustainable Agriculture Project and their Double SNAP program!
The evening will end with a raffle prize drawing via Zoom. We can't wait to see you there!
Please visit the EMPTY BOWLS WEBSITE https://empty-bowls-event.square.site/ for LiveStream information and to purchase a bowl (crafted by the WWC Ceramics Department) and raffle tickets!
Email: anna-johnson@warren-wilson.edu
Instagram: engagement_wwc
University of Southern Mississippi
University of Southern Mississippi, Office of Inclusion and Multicultural Engagemen
118 College Drive
Box 4705
Box 4705
Lunch and Learn Session- Monday 11/15
Service Night: Care Kits for the Homeless- 11/16
Hunger Banquet- 11/17
Hungry for Hope Documentary Viewing- 11/18
Service with Christian Services 11/19
Email: Christina.Bracey@usm.edu
Instagram: @volunteerusm
Florida PIRG Students
Florida PIRG Students, Eckerd College
4200 54th Ave S
Campus Box 1735
(786) 374-1869
Campus Box 1735
November 17th- Advocacy Hour
November 18th- Dessert & Discuss: Food Insecurity on College Campuses
Email: jwoodal@eckerd.edu
Instagram: jjennalynne
Oasis Mental Health Applications
Oasis Mental Health Applications, Oasis Mental Health Applications
129 N Pennsylvania Ave
We will be sharing information on Hunger & Homelessness on our social media channels.
Email: afrederick@oasisapp.com
Twitter: https://twitter.com/oasisapp
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/oasis_app/
Spiritual Life CU Nourish
Spiritual Life CU Nourish, Spiritual Life CU Nourish
36 T.T. Lanier
Monday, November 15th
-Weigh the Waste- 11AM-1PM
Aramark hosts event that highlights
the importance of reducing food
waste. Stop by Gaylord's Kitchen to
learn more.
Tuesday, November 16th
-Golf Cart Trivia and SNAP Benefits -
Stop by academic circle to learn more
about SNAP and catch a ride to class
(Look for the Orange Golf Cart!)
Wednesday, November 17th
-Pop-Up Pantry - 2PM-4PM
Come shop at the pop-up in academic
circle and learn more about Hunger
and Homelessness Awareness Week.
-Food Drive- 6:30PM-9PM
Donate food for the holiday season at
the Christmas Tree Lighting for the
Five N Two Food Pantry. Boxes will be
in Academic Circle
Friday, November 19th
Amazing Race - 4PM
Come play the game racing against
time and learning more about food
insecurity. Winning team gets a prize!
Email: pajak@campbell.edu
Instagram: cu_nourish
YWCA Dayton
YWCA Dayton
141 W. Third St.
One Night Without a Home vigil
Email: communications@ywcadayton.org
Twitter: @ywcadayton
Instagram: @ywcadayton