Hearts That Care
Hearts That Care, Hearts That Care
November 20th we will be feeding the homeless for our annual Thanksgiving Feeding. This week, we will be giving out Hygiene Bags and we will be partnering with another local organization that will be providing blankets for the winter months.
Email: Heartsthatcare@aol.com
Instagram: #heartsthatcare2011
Boerne, TX Community
Boerne, TX Community
6321 Robinsnest
Our church (St. Mark Presbyterian) has organized events with other organizations and churches in Boerne, TX. This is our first year doing a "Hunger and Homelessness Week." We start with a CROP Walk on 11/13/21 and have one more event on 11/17/21: Teen Night. The CROP Walk will have 4 different stops on the walk providing information about hunger in our community and globally; refreshments will be served along with an information table and a pledge table of what people pledge to do to help. Teen Night consists of pulling together teens across the community and watching short videos on teen homelessness and having about 3 local speakers. Event will be outside and a blow up movie screen will be used. Dinner is offered.
Email: calleen_friedel@hotmail.com
St. Johns County School District
St. Johns County School District, A.S.S.I.S.T. Program (Aid and Support for Students in Sudden Transition)
40 Orange Street
We will read a proclamation at our monthly School Board Meeting as well as partner with Longleaf Church for a fundraiser called the 2nd Annual Ruck St. Johns which is walk/run/exercise event to raise awareness and funds for homeless students in St. Johns County.
Email: Michael.Israel@stjohns.k12.fl.us
Bellarmine University
Bellarmine University, Bellarmine University
2001 Newburg Road
Panel on food insecurity and sustainable farming
Email: fhutchins@bellarmine.edu
Family & Community Services, Inc
Family & Community Services, Inc
705 Oakwood #106
3302977027 x317
Social Media, possible events
Email: jmatlack@fcsohio.org
LocalGlobal, Hastings College
710 N Turner Ave
Campus Box Number 239
Campus Box Number 239
Kahoot night, sandwich packing, and non-perishable meal packing- dates TBD
Email: alianna.higgins@hastings.edu
Homeless Coalition of Palm Beach County
Homeless Coalition of Palm Beach County
345 S. Congress Ave
To ask every municipality in Palm Beach County to write proclamations declaring it Hunger and Homelessness Week in their city and in the County.
Email: cstringe@pbcgov.org
Twitter: @homelessplanpbc
Instagram: homelesscoalitionpbc
Hearts That Care of South Carolina
Hearts That Care of South Carolina, Hearts That Care
Still working on events throughout the week. But on Saturday, 11/20/2021, we will have Thanksgiving dinner for the homeless.
Email: Heartsthatcare@aol.com
Weekend Backpacks for Homeless Kids, Inc.
Weekend Backpacks for Homeless Kids, INc.
P.O. Box 21486
Sunday, Nov. 14 1:00PM Chefs' Event Reimagined: Artisinal Breads
A virtual cooking class on Bread Baking held at a local cooking school. We will highlight bread for the holiday as well as the amazing work of Weekend Backpacks.
Email: mlowy@weekendbackpacks.org
Covenant House Florida
Covenant House Florida, Covenant House Florida
733 Breakers Ave
Sleep Out fundraiser for homeless youth.
Email: mvogel@covenanthousefl.org
Twitter: https://twitter.com/CovHouseFL
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/covenanthouseflorida/